Neighbours at war over parking

A ‘cold war’ exists between many households because of differences over parking, according to new research.
While the vast majority of motorists are satisfied with their neighbours’ parking, 14% describe their neighbours’ parking is ‘poor’ or ‘appalling’ (4%).
The RAC Insurance Home Parking survey reveals that the top issue for the aggrieved is the selfish way their neighbours park, with six in 10 (62%) citing this as the reason they chose the words ‘appalling’ or ‘poor’.
Two out of five (41%) were annoyed about neighbours parking in the street when they have the space to park on their own drives, while nearly a third (31%) complained they had been blocked in by neighbours parking across their drives.
To make matters worse, for three-quarters (73%) the ‘appalling’ and ‘poor’ parking behaviour takes place every day and for a quarter (26%) it has even led them to falling out or not speaking.
“Parking is a very sensitive issue, particularly when it’s outside your own home as it brings out the ‘Nimby’ in everyone,” said RAC Insurance’s Simon Williams.
“The moment someone parks selfishly people’s hackles are going to be raised, whether that’s parking in the street when they have the space to be able to park on their own drive or parking so close that it makes it almost impossible to get out.
“The overwhelming majority of people we surveyed described themselves as considerate parkers claiming they always leave plenty of space when they parallel park in the street and are careful to make sure they park squarely between the lines in a car park.
“These people are inevitably going to be far more sensitive to their neighbours’ parking habits and, if these poor practices recur on a daily basis, a ‘cold war’ might begin with neighbours not speaking or blatantly ignoring one another.
“The answer has to be for every motorist to take a little bit of extra time to think about how their parking might affect their neighbours and fellow drivers.”